Ethos Webcasts

Ethos Webcasts have been developed as a clinical toolkit to provide essential training and support for healthcare professionals across the continuum, covering key content topics from within pressure care management, patient handling and specialist seating.
Ethos Webcasts are hosted by Mark Ripley RGN, and occasionally co-hosted by special guests who are well respected within their field of work. An Ethos Webcast is up to 45 minutes long, plus 15 minutes at the end for a live Q&A with our presenters.
Monday 16th August, 12-1pm
Sit-to-stand Part III: Sit-to-stand using the MiniLift160 Classic and ThoraxSling
Wednesday 18th August, 12-1pm
Bed Management Part III: Turning & Repositioning In Bed Using The WendyLett System
Monday 23rd August, 12-1pm
Moving & Enabling: Small Changes, Big Impact
Wednesday 25th August, 12-1pm
Sling Application Tips & Techniques: Sling Application In Bed
Tuesday 31st August, 12-1pm
Bed Management Part I: An Introduction to the WendyLett Bed Management System
Wednesday 1st September, 12-1pm
Sit-to-stand Part I: Sit-to-stand using the ReTurn7500i and ReTurnBelt