As a manufacturer of medical equipment provided to the NHS and Health & Social care teams, we would like to reassure you that Direct Healthcare Group (DHG) is committed to doing all we can to maintain our normal production and services during the COVID-19 outbreak.
We understand that for many of our users and customers, our equipment and services are vital, and we are pleased that we are currently still able to operate as normal to serve you, the Healthcare Professional, and your patient’s needs.
As the situation continues to evolve daily, our priority remains the well-being of our customers, employees and business partners. We are closely monitoring the situation and are taking all necessary steps to follow the Government and scientific guidance given at this time. We are in constant communication with our employees, with many now working from home, and whilst our manufacturing and service depots remain open, we have implemented a ‘no visitor’ policy to our sites to try and stop any unnecessary and non-essential contact.
We will continue to operate our service sites and teams whilst always observing the social distancing advice. Our staff have been informed to check any local guidelines/policies when visiting any premises during this time.
Should you need any information relating to your account, or any of the products/services that we offer, our Customer Service team can be contacted as normal (+44 (0) 800 043 0881). Or you can contact your local Commercial Manager or Clinical Sales Specialist. During this time, our Sales team will not be visiting customers unless expressly required. However, if required, they will ensure all necessary safeguarding measures are in place for a visit, or alternatively a video consultation can be arranged if needed.
Our priority remains the safety of all stakeholders, whilst providing a consistent service to our customers during this time.
We are aware that the above may change as advice by the Government and World Health Organisation (WHO) also changes. As we continue to navigate these challenging and uncertain times, we will endeavour to keep you all updated as we react to any new directives.
For up to date Government information visit